Saturday, July 24, 2010

Iggy's Doggone Week!

Multiply looks kinda quiet around here so me give an Iggy Update.

It's been a loooong week for us...

The week started when the home alarm system went off...we weren't home so cops drove up within minutes (Police Station within walking distance to our home). Cops had guns pulled out (according to our neighbors) looking potential burglars around the house.

No burglars, No break-ins...except Sushi and Brownie had a chance to escape from our back yard when the cops came in!

Well....Sushi and Brownie running around the neighborhood unsupervised... Somebody called Animal Control who came and Picked them both up!

The Animal Control Lady called me...they got Sushi and Brownie...and won't release them - we owe Fines for not having the dogs "Licensed" with the City. I didn't know Pets had to be Licensed! Then...they can't get released until they are both "De-matted" (Hair Cuts) - now I know their hair is a little long, but don't Shih tzus have furry hair anyways? In addition - they both need to get Spayed before they are released! By the way - Animal Control Gave both Sushi and Brownie ALL THEIR VACCINATIONS (and put the bill on us) without our knowledge or consent - we just had them fully vaccinated Last Year already! They were both examined by the Animal Control Vetenarian - billed to us.

Well - today was Spayed day but only Sushi was Spayed - Brownie had some labs done by the Vet and she is diagnosed with "pancreatitis" based on the Lab work....Nevermind that Brownie is a dog that behaves normallly with no evidence of "pancreatitis". So....Brownie will be "admitted" to PET HOSPITAL for the next 3 days for IV fluids before she can be released to us: Hospital Stay Billed to us.

So far...the running total from Animal Control Billed to me just to get my dogs back:

Add a few more hundred bucks to this after Brownie's Hospitalization...

Well...we got Sushi back at least...with a hair cut and Spayed...

The Little Cone thing is so she doesn't lick or bite her sutures from being spayed (hysterectomy).

Needless to say, Sushi and Brownie are too pricey for Thanksgiving now


  1. If you had their vaccinations done and they were updated, tell them and see if they won't make you pay for unnecessary stuff. As far as dogs being licensed, you didn't do your due diligence when getting the dogs. Besides, everyone knows they have to be licensed. How would you know if your dog has pancreatitis?Are you a vet?NO!!!!

  2. Hi Iggy, You do seem to have a run of 'bad luck' at your place ..... reminds me of a saying from my childhood here in Australia..... I know it is politically incorrect these days.....people would remark that 'you must have killed a chinaman' if things kept going wrong. No offence meant.
