Sunday, July 18, 2010

Igette's Gymnastic Camp

Igette has been spending the last few days training with the UCLA Gymnastic Team. She was excited to meet Nastia Liukin, 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist in Gymnastics. This is her first time not sleeping in our bed since she was extracted from the uterine cavity 9 years ago...

I don't know where she got her gymnastic talents from, but I think it has something to do with me being able to almost do a split position when I was a kid.

Well...we just paid the $700 "Assessment" Fee for her to start gymnastic competitions coming this Fall. Then there is a Fee to enter each competition. This is in addition to her monthly gymnastic work out Fee. Couldn't she just bounce around at home?

This will be Igette's first series of competitions and it seems like there are some traveling we will have to do. Stay tuned for Youtube gymnastic videos...

I am trying to win a Tramp-oline for Igette on a Facebook Contest...can u go vote for me PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. To vote, Click on link below and click on "Vote".


  1. Its all the chicken fee u ate, somehow its embedded in your blood stream and u passed it on in your dna...

  2. I may have to cut down on chicken feet rations to pay gymnastic bills

  3. Boy iggyette sure is looking good iggy. I think that is so neat. Way to go girl and God bless all your endeavors in gymnastics.

  4. Yes, wonderful talent here, great photos..... gymnastic training will keep you poor, but well worth it.

  5. Jan, yes my Honda Civic's got new brakes and struts so will last me a long time

  6. Chicken feet get NO credit here nor does Iggy's "attempt to do the splits when he was a kid".
    Encourage her as she seems to really enjoy this.
    Good job Igette!!!
